Gregorian Chant

We pray the Liturgy of the Hours with the traditional Gregorian chant widespread in Benedictine monasteries. It is used for the psalmody and hymns, as well as for our response to the reading of the Word. Breathing together, singing at a common pace and uniting our particular voices in a single sound (uni-son) helps to unify the community, and liberates the individual monk to raise his heart and mind to God. “We believe that the divine presence is everywhere (…), but beyond the least doubt we should believe this to be especially true when we celebrate the divine office”, teaches St. Benedict in his Rule (Cap 19). “Let us stand to sing the psalms in such a way  that our minds are in harmony with our voices” (ibidem).

During Mass on Sundays and major Feasts we sing the repertoire of the Graduale Romanum. Our choirmaster helps to develop a deeper sense for this music of the Church by holding regular rehearsals and by forming a schola. The schola includes about a dozen monks from all over the world. This music, which dates back to the earliest period of monastic life in Europe, is something our students take back with them into their own cultures.

Orario | Santa Messa

Giorni feriali

06.00 Sveglia
06.20 Lodi ed Eucaristia
07.00 Prima colazione
12.50 Ora media
13.00 Pranzo
19.15 Vespri
19.40 Cena
20.30 Compieta


06.30 Sveglia
06.50 Lodi
07.15 Prima colazione
09.00 Messa conventuale
12.50 Ora media
13.00 Pranzo
19.15 Vespri solenni
19.40 Cena
20.30 Compieta

Mass in foreign languages

At Collegio Sant’Anselmo, once a month, we have the joyful and instructive custom of celebrating Mass in a foreign language. These Masses and the subsequent festive suppers are organized by the Language Groups, and highlight the multiculturalism of our countries of origin. Following the supper, each Language Group meets and socializes in the various meeting rooms of the college. Language Groups may also meet at different times for different events, such as suppers at a special restaurant or member birthdays, as they desire.

Adorazione eucaristica

Adoration of the Eucharist is offered on the last Thursday of the month from 6-7 p.m. It is organized by the Master of Ceremonies. At the beginning of the service, the Eucharist is exposed in a monstrance and incensed, and an assigned community member reads an appropriate Biblical selection. This is followed by a period of silent meditation. At the end of the service, the Master of Ceremonies blesses the congregants with the monstrance and an assigned cantor leads a chant.

Sacramento di riconciliazione

On the last Friday of every month, the prior invites a priest from outside of the community to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation. A few days before the priest arrives, the prior posts a schedule on the community bulletin board indicating the times and place. Members of the community may then reserve the time anonymously with a mark.