Diocese of Noto
Sicily, Italy



Foundation : 15 May 1844


Patroness : Maria Ss. Scala del Paradiso
Patron : S. Corrado Confalonieri
Bishop : Mons. Antonio Staglianò
Area : 1331 km2
Number of inhabitants : 220,135
Catholics : 214,380 (97.4%)
Parishes : 98
Diocesan priests : 94
Regular clergy : 22
Sisters : 92

Resident of the College

Giuseppe Di Stefano

Pontifical Institute of Liturgy
Faculty of Theology
Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo

Cattedrale di Noto

From the YouTube channel Diocesi di Noto – Canale Ufficiale

Photos used with the permission of Mons. Angelo Giurdanella